Thursday, August 11, 2016

Abstrak Penelitian: Pengaruh Apresiasi Matematika Terhadap Prestasi Belajar, Ditinjau dari Gaya Belajar pada Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Lamba Leda, Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016.

The Influence of Math Appreciation Toward Mathematics Learning Achievement, Judging from the Learning Styles of Class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Lamba Leda, at Academic Year 2015/2016. Math appreciation is a tribute to the usefulness of mathematics for humans, either to solve problems in life, and to learn advanced mathematics and other sciences studying. Learning style is the way they tend to have a person to understand the lesson material. Math appreciation and learning styles can be recorded through a directly-questionnaire. The influence of the math appreciation on learning outcomes can be viewed from the aspect of learning styles, through a descriptive-quantitative research, with a t-test procedure.
This research indicate that : (i) in general, the math appreciation of class VIII SMPN 1 Lamba Leda are at moderate levels, (ii) the majority of class VIII SMPN 1 Lamba Leda has a visual learning style; (iii) the math appreciation has a significant influence on mathematics learning outcomes, and (iv) in terms of learning styles, there is no different of student achievement, that is visual and kinesthetic learning styles have equal status and impact for student learning outcomes.

1 comment:

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